Fly For Metal V17 wath are our updates, why sould you play here?

Positive things about our server:

+ You can find all the usefull items in shops
+ We have friendly GMs
+ We don't have donations
+ We do alot of events
+ Full v17 server
+ Instanced dungeons accessable at all levels
+ No level limit for buff pang
+Non-negative awakes

+New weapons and armors
+New V16/17 dungeons with the new bosses
+FULLY working Baruna Upgrade System
+New element looks
+High rate's(exp/penya/drop)
+High upgrade rate's(armor/rings/pierce/BARUNA)
+3rd jobs with skills
+Link item in chat working
+New V17 quest
+Max lvl 150
+Exp scroll 5x stack size
+Baruna upgrade spitet exp
+Awaking cancel message box removed
+You can buy its up to 9999 at a time
+The Rings are edit, thay give more stath now!
+And lots more!

Negative things about our server:

- Hamachi-based
- Home-hosted
- Alot of downtime because we don't have a dedicated server

-We haven't made a register system YET
-We haven't made a site login system YET
-We haven't made a change password system YET
-We don't our own domain YET

Coming soon...

-Pet filter
-Party finder system

-Auto siege planner
-Auto events-Shopping town
-New boss world